Wednesday, March 28, 2012

it was only a matter of time ...the Trayvon Martin Tragedy ...

it was only a matter of time in the United States before another racially charged incident in the name of "Law Enforcement" would divide the country, in opinion at least ... as it now stands ...

it was only a matter of time before the "Stand Your Ground" law would result in the fatal killing of one of the participants in a fist fight, even if that participant wasn't the one who started the fight ...under that law, you could start a fight, begin losing that fight, feel threatened and then kill your opponent ...apparently ...

it was only a matter of time before partisan politics became involved and people accused the killer of being conservative and a racist, as if there are no liberal racists ...and conservatives accused liberals of exaggerating the issues, as if the death of a "Thug" was no big deal, no matter how young, how innocent, or much not a thug this person was ...

it was only a matter of time before bloggers like @sistertoldjah wrote blog posts accusing Democrats of malfeasance for their insinuations while at the same time making a point of noting that the killer ...George Zimmerman was indeed a Democrat ...and she adds a quoted source ..."He might have even voted for Obama ..." or something of the like ... then a bunch of "Facts" listed below, all with the intent of proving Zimmerman did not SET OUT to kill a black teenager that night ... which is nonsense. MOST murders and manslaughters occur and were never intended up until the incident, in fact the ONLY charge that would facilitate Zimmerman setting out to kill Trayvon Martin that night is murder in the first degree. and as far as i know, no one has ever alleged that was the case. instead what happened was Zimmerman CREATED the situation with his own paranoia, and his poor judgement and actions led to the situation that ended with him killing Trayvon. and there is in FACT some criminal culpability there ...

it was only a matter of time for a neurotic George Zimmerman, who had been given the right under  the law to conceal a weapon, to kill someone, the same George Zimmerman who had called 911, for little or no reason, 46 times in the 7 years since he was 19 ...

it was only a matter of time for this to become a national issue after the incompetent police investigation conducted that night sent George Zimmerman home with no charges, even though the lead investigator wanted him charged with manslaughter while they had him at the scene ...

it was only a matter of time that the incompetent police chief who reigned over an incompetent police force would resign in the cloud of this tragedy ...and when i say the police force is incompetent, i mean in the handling of the investigation at the scene, they had a narcotics officer do the investigation, not a homicide officer which should have been the case, they did not collect any evidence beyond Zimmerman's statement ...they did not secure the body as a possible homicide scene, they did not test the shooter for drugs or alcohol ...etc ...

it was only a matter of time before the 911 call Zimmerman made that night ended in tragedy, once he disregarded the 911 operator's instructions to not follow Trayvon, once he obviously was hiding the fact to the operator that he was still following Trayvon ...

it was only a matter of time that the Federal Authorities would take over the investigation ...

it was only a matter of time that @spikelee would put his foot in his mouth ...

and i'm certain ...

it IS only a matter of time before George Zimmerman is charged with, at the very least, negligent homicide ...

here's a summary of the evidence of fault on both sides - if anyone has anything to add to the list, please let me know and i will add it, as of now this is what i have found to be the cases/s ...i'm including MSM biases in points made ...

evidence against - TRAYVON MARTIN
-was black
-was wearing a hoodie (in the rain)
-was possibly 6'2" and 145lbs
-possibly had gold teeth
-had a twitter account in which he cursed, spoke of sex and quoted rap lyrics, and used the N word ...
-had at some time in his life smoked marijuana ... maybe ...
-and had some jewelry and a screwdriver on him at some point in his life, but the police confirmed the jewelry was not stolen ...
-he punched George Zimmerman in the nose according to George Zimmerman...
-he attacked Zimmerman from behind ...i guess he got tired of running from Zimmerman ...again according to George Zimmerman ...
-he may have been winning the fight according to witnesses who did not see how it started ...
-he may have knocked George Zimmerman's head into the sidewalk during this fight ...according to George Zimmerman who did NOT need to go to the hospital ...

evidence against - GEORGE ZIMMERMAN
- was a neurotic who called 911 46 times in the last 7 years ...
- was on the phone with 911 clearly stalking Trayvon ...
- was a neighborhood watch person who carried a loaded gun ...
- did not wait for police like was told to do ...
- Trayvon's Girlfriend witnessed the start of the fight while on phone with Trayvon ... contradicting Zimmerman's account ...
- Trayvon, according to ABC7 news, may have made his own 911 call for help from George Zimmerman, a call that is currently being analyzed by the Feds ...
- Trayvon was unarmed ...
- Trayvon was not doing anything wrong and was entitled to be on the street in that community where his father's fiancé lived, where he was headed ...
- Trayvon was 17 years old ...
- Trayvon is dead ...
ADDED BY REQUESTS --- additional Zimmerman "evidence"
- Zimmerman has prior VIOLENT history, including a restraining order against him, and an arrest for some kind of simple assault on a police officer (yet he still was given a gun permit ...)
- Zimmerman POSSIBLY uttered a racial slur of "fucking C..ns" on the 911 tape (still needs to be confirmed by federal analysis, but certainly worth a look)
AND NOW THIS -- a video that shows Zimmerman has no injuries at all, no broken nose, no blood, no cuts, nothing ...

If i've missed anything, or incorrectly stated anything, please fill me in ...

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

America's Obsession with Media and Reality Television. (Osama the Star)

I am indeed a gambling man, and i would bet it all that if Osama Bin Ladin was somehow pardoned for his crimes by the president, virtually ALL of the "Patriotic Americans" that took to the streets cheering "America FUCK YEAH" and celebrating his death would in fact TUNE IN to a reality show starring him if he was given one. Oh sure, at first everyone would be up in arms about the pardon.

Then all the tough guys would emerge vowing to "take him out" themselves.

But then, Americans would all tune into a show about Osama's new life in a Miami Beach loft where he was protected from assassination by security, almost ALL of the Americans that celebrated his death, would tune in to watch the most mundane details of his new life.

These Americans tuning in would largely be made up of the 1 in 7 Americans on food stamps. (Yes that is true, 1 in 7 Americans is so broke they can not afford to eat). And those people would continue tuning in by the millions, so much so that it would make Osama's second season contract $10 million. And then they would tune in even more. And his third season he would earn $25 million and so on.

Americans are so pathetically addicted to reality television that they would make the most hated man on earth a rich man all over again just because they couldn't help it. And they would do this while starving themselves.

And then after his popularity on season 3 of "Osama Beach", Dancing with The Stars would certainly offer him a contract. And guess what? That would be the MOST WATCHED season of DWTS to date. Because these same "Patriotic Americans" that were chanting "Fuck yeah" upon his death would also be chanting "Fuck yeah" after he perfectly dipped Kirstie Alley in a Tango.

And TMZ would photograph him and interview him and make him a ladies man.

And America would tune into TMZ more than ever to look at him.

Because lets face it, any country capable of making a scumbag like "The Situation" a multi million dollar star is certainly capable of doing the same for a mass murdering son of a bitch like Osama Bin Ladin.

And that my fellow Americans is pathetically worth more than the dollar.


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Tallest Man In Pakistan - Osama (The Movie)

my new movie script is called "the tallest man in pakistan." in it, Osama Bin Laden lives in a mansion in the capital of our ally Pakistan and drives a Range Rover... for 7 years, while the rest of the world thinks he lives in a tent and is barefoot, and well, you all know how it ends. Or do you???

The sequel to "the tallest man in pakistan" has already been filmed--- its called the "Bourne Identity", its where a former CIA Operative (TIM OSMAN)  gets shot by navy seals and thrown overboard into the ocean. he wakes up floating in the sea and comes back to haunt the USA...i think it starred Matt Damon.


Monday, May 2, 2011

OSAMA: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead…

George Bush declared Victory for America (again.)

Really? Are the troops coming home? Did we win? 

No to both, not only aren’t the troops coming home, but they are likely going to be in more danger, as will we all, at least in the immediate future. Al Qaeda will likely be looking to make a statement response.

Now, upon news of a twitter feed of his death, the same country that demanded to see Barrack Obama’s birth certificate, was dancing in the streets singing “Ding Dong the witch is dead..” as if their favorite sports team had just won the championship.

There is one major difference however between the witch in the Wizard of Oz being dead and Osama Bin Laden being dead.

In the Wizard of Oz, the witch’s death actually meant something. It meant the death to their oppressor and they could all live happily ever after.

Osama Bin Laden’s death means nothing. It means nothing to the war in Iraq, Libya or Afghanistan, it means nothing to the deficit in a Country that Osama Bin Laden helped Bankrupt, it means nothing to the 6000 American Soldiers that America has sent to the middle east and gotten killed as a response to the 3500 that Osama killed. It means nothing to the $3 trillion dollars America spent funding the war on terror as a response to the $20 billion Osama cost us on 9/11. I mean, let’s face it, killing Osama Bin Laden will do about as much damage to Islamic Fundamentalism as killing Jesus Christ did to Christianity.

One news source said it best as far as I am concerned –

“When future historians recount what happened to America in the first decade of the new millennium, they will point to the attacks Osama bin Laden mounted on 9-11 as a turning point in global history, and see in Washington’s response a partial explanation for the nation’s subsequent decline." --- Slate

Osama’s death accomplishes NOTHING.

In fact, this non-stop news coverage and self-congratulatory American government party reeks of propaganda that would rival that of Nazi Germany. They are celebrating the falling of a fictional antihero at this point.

America killing Osama Bin Laden is on par with Al Qaeda sneaking into the US and killing Jimmy Carter. While that would be a slap in the face, nothing would change.

And although America has achieved nothing in this single event, that’s not to say nothing has been accomplished in our war efforts in the Middle East, it’s just that there are far more respectable milestones in our Middle East efforts that Americans should be celebrating. Rather than lowering ourselves to a fundamentalist’s style effigy burning in the streets. Let’s keep it classy America, a great man once said (sic) –

 "Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that." -Martin Luther King, Jr.

On a side note, they threw his body in the ocean. There is no body. The proof he is dead is now relegated to photos taken by our government and DNA evidence which proved to 99.9% odds he’s dead. To put that in perspective, those odds are the same as 1 in 1000. Those are not insurmountable odds, and in fact I have been “All in” after the flop on two poker hands I could remember where I had that same 1000 to 1 advantage and LOST. So lets not forget, there is a chance, an actual one, that this guy is not dead at all.

Let the conspiracy theories begin, for the rest of eternity.
A little humor, below is some propaganda style footage run by CNN for over 4 hours last night, to show us what a bad man Osama Bin Laden is.
I’m throwing it in for no reason other than I think it’s hysterically funny!!!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

jersey shore and mob wives - an Italian American's point of view

(Make sure you read my three new show pitches at the end, even IF you can't get through my whole commentary...)

So it seems these days it is open season on Italian Stereotypical shows on TV. There are 2 that are hugely popular, Jersey Shore and Mob Wives. Both depicting the most ugly side of Italian stereotypical culture with no positive role models or culture shown. And now there are at least 2 more spin off shows coming.

Carl's Jr. recently ran an ad for a Chicken Parm sandwich by showing an Italian eating it in the car and passing out with sauce all over him as two other Italian Murderers approach to "Whack" him. Seeing the blood red sauce they thought he was already dead and moved on. (But yet the taco bell dog is prohibited now as is THE LIME which aired for only three weeks before getting yanked)

Now Italians are not as prevalent as many other cultures in many parts of the country. Particularly in the mid west and West Coast, where many people don't know any real Italians. So they are basing what they know on Italians from Mob movies and these shows.

It's already gotten to the point that almost every time someone new meets me in LA and they find out im Italian from New York, the ridiculous follow up question is "Have you ever been to the Jersey Shore?" Which means they are already thinking of those assholes when they think of me.
I have been to the Jersey Shore. I grew up there in summers with my family and it was nice. But now....fahgetttabout it...

There is a huge difference too between shows like the Sopranos and the Godfather and this other trash. Shows like the Sopranos and the Godfather depict Historical Crime sagas that still exist in REAL Italian Culture today, particularly back in Naples and Sicily. There is nothing Historic to Italians on Mob Wives nor Jersey Shore. Furthermore, the Sopranos and the Godfather also depict other honorable aspects of the culture as well as positive role models like lawyers, doctor's, Ivy League Students, Family values, etc. Again none of this is depicted on these other TV Shows.

What's worse is on Mob Wives for instance, the real mobsters are far less honorable or civilized than their theatrical counterparts, in fact most of New York Italian Mobsters such as John Gotti were less redeemable people, murderers and not a proud part of Italian Culture all the same. Tony Soprano is somewhat more honorable, and lets not forget, FICTIONAL. Mob Wives does not depict any real honor or redemption, instead it feeds on desperate Italian Woman and exploits the tough times they have been through.

That all being said there are NO REALITY shows that focus on one particular culture like the Italians on TV. Back in the day Seinfeld ran an episode featuring the Puerto Rican Parade, where they stereotyped the parade and Puerto Ricans as doing EXACTLY what the jersey shore and mob wives shows. That episode of Seinfeld aired one time and was yanked altogether. But for some reason Italians are fair game??? And now they are actually going to film season four in a historical part of Italy??? well here's 3 OTHER SHOWS i'm pitching, I hope VH1 or MTV picks these up too...

A house on Fire Island where 4 flamboyantly gay Men live together and they do drugs, party, sleep with anyone and everyone, they have slap fights and hissy fits and then for season 4 we are going to film in Massachusetts where they will all get married as they offend anyone and everyone they come in contact with by acting like Andy Dick in Old School...

The show will depict the summertime lives of 5 black kids that hang out on the steps of their Harlem Brownstones drinking beer, smoking blunts, and beating women, and then season 4 we are going to film in Africa.

The show will depict the after hours lives of 5 NYC Chinatown teens after they get off work from their parents restaurants jobs where they will smoke cigarettes, get tattoos, shoot dice and commit crime. And then we will film season 4 in Shanghai...(As if the Chinese gov would ever allow us to film there...)

IF any of those shows I pitch get picked up, do you think they will ever be allowed to air?

Neither do I, nor should they. And Mob Wives and Jersey Shore should not be allowed to air either. It's a double standard...

But hey, I AM actually going to pitch my treatments for these shows, so ya never know...

Stay Tuned...

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Los Angeles Superior (Inferior) Court - 21 days to process scam

I recently got a seatbelt ticket, a ridiculous law that will be the subject of another post, but something odd happened when I tried to pay the ticket.

The Superior Court said the ticket cannot be paid or processed until 21 days after ticket issuance. They also say you MAY receive a courtesy notice in the mail, but make it a point to say "this notice may NOT come." So what the "F" is the point of this courtesy notice system in the first place?

Now the court date for the ticket is approximately 40 days after the date of ticket issuance. So I started thinking about what is happening here. Why would it take 21 days before a ticket can be paid when it must be paid by 40 days  or so to avoid an arrest warrant and fines starting at $480.

Then it dawned on me. The ticket is entered into the system that night by the officer (Leach), at the very worst it is entered within a day or two. But if they allowed me to pay it straight away, it would be done and they would have zero chance to collect heavy fines worth 10x or more the face value of the ticket. So they tell you it cannot be paid until 21 days after issuance. Leaving you only a 2 week or so window in which to pay the thing. Adding to the odds that it'll slip your mind, and/or the ticket will get lost.

What a scumbag way to do business. But thats the US and State Gov's in a nutshell. they plot and scheme different ways to leach additional money from tax payers out of their "Post tax" income.

I am writing a letter to the court system accusing them of such malfeasance, I will update my Bog with the response, should i get one.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Wall Street Set For Best Two Years Ever, Thanks To Bailout

This is unbelievab­le, many trillions of dollars in aid offered to these guys with no stipulatio­n or requiremen­t that they use that money to help stabilize the economy or create jobs. Instead they use it to give themselves bonuses and raises. And then the government has the gall to say "they paid us back" when all they did was sell the US Owned shares at the inflated pyramid scheme prices, price raises created only by the government bailout. Wall Street didn't do anything to earn any of this money!!!

What a disappointment Obama turned out to be. I voted for that guy too, and as soon as he took office he just handed over all our money on the supply side with no guidelines or stipulatio­ns. I hated Bush, and say what you will about him, but I honestly don't think he would've handed over that much money to them to just so obviously pad the supply side pockets the way Obama did....alm­ost as if he was offering that up to them to say "Here, like me..."


Read the Article at HuffingtonPost